legal defense for defending a woman

Two TV Crime Myths That You Shouldn't Believe

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Like many people, you might love so-called “true crime” shows that feature detectives, criminals or mysteries. Usually, these shows have police consultants that they rely on to make things as close to real life as possible, but writers, directors and producers still take liberties in order to make their show entertaining. There are some common things you might have seen on television shows that don’t quite reflect the truth; you shouldn’t use those situations as a guide if you find yourself in any kind of legal trouble.…

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Your Child Has Been Accused Of Shoplifting: Do You Need A Criminal Lawyer?

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Shoplifting, or taking a low-value item from a retail store, seems like a fairly small offense. If your child was arrested for shoplifting, you may be tempted to downplay it. You may even think it’s a good idea for your child to accept a plea bargain and the consequences like restitution and community service that may go along with it.  That may be a mistake that could impact your child’s future.…

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The Hidden Costs Of A DUI Conviction

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If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI), you likely know that there will be a fine and other court costs if you are found guilty. You are probably also bracing yourself for an increase in your auto insurance rates for several years to come. However, these aren’t the only costs that come with a DUI conviction. You can end up paying extra on a number of items.…

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