legal defense for defending a woman

Discover 3 Defense Strategies Your Assault Lawyer May Pursue In Court

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Have you or a loved one recently been charged with assault? If so, you will need to begin your journey through this legal matter by consulting with an assault attorney firm like Epstein & Robbins. This is very important since a conviction in this type of case can result in some serious consequences including jail time. Thankfully, there are several defense strategies that are available when dealing with an assault charge.…

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3 Reasons It Makes Sense To Hire A Local Attorney

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Staying away from trouble may sometimes be challenging. For example, you can go against the law of your state by driving without a license, speeding, smoking marijuana, or gambling because you feel that these activities are not harmful to yourself or others. A local attorney can help you with these issues and advise you on how to avoid getting into more legal problems in the future. Here’s why it makes sense to hire these professionals.…

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It's Possible To Sue The Deceased For A Personal Injury

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When you are involved in a personal injury case, the defendant might pass away. This could even be due to the incident that lead to the personal injury case in the first place. You will still be able to file a successful personal injury claim, but you will need to act much more quickly. An Example of How the Deceased Can Be At Fault In cases involving drunk drivers, the driver who is intoxicated crashes their car into yours and then passes away as a result of the accident.…

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