legal defense for defending a woman

Can You Bail Out While Appealing Your DUI?

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If you have been convicted of a DUI, you have the right to appeal the verdict. You might appeal because of an error by investigators, corruption, or manipulation, or simply because you didn’t have access to the evidence you needed to defend yourself properly. Regardless of why you want to appeal your conviction, you might wonder if you have the right to bail as you await a second trial. The answer is not always clear cut, but bailing out could very well be a possibility for you.…

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3 Things To Know About Getting A DUI As A Professional Driver

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If you are a professional driver, it is important to understand the risks and issues that can go along with being charged and convicted of a DUI. These are some of the things that you should be aware of if you are a professional driver who has recently been charged with a DUI. 1. You Might Be Held to Stricter Standards First of all, you should know that you might be held to stricter standards as a professional driver.…

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3 Mistakes To Avoid When Working With A Personal Injury Attorney

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If you’re injured by another person and they’re completely in the wrong because of negligence, you may be able to sue them for compensation. That’s what personal injury claims are for. You probably want to hire a lawyer when approaching this type of legal situation. When you do, make sure you avoid the following mistakes when working with them.  Not Being Honest One of the most important attributes you could have when working with a personal injury attorney is honesty.…

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